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Cloud Strategy

Data is one of the most important asset to manage in today's ditigal age. With rapid increase in computing, data management of public and private nature is one of the most significant issues starting from handphone users to e-governance systems.

At Spur AI, we design and develop high-ROI custom cloud solutions that elevate your brand, create opportunities, and grow your business.

We provide cost-effective and value added Cloud Strategy and Cloud Migration services, including wide range of cloud automation, cloud development and cloud support services all at affordable prices. With Spur AI, you will captivate your audience and stand out among the rest.

Our Cloud Strategy focuses on your organization's consumption of cloud services to narrow down on strategy with high benefit and low risks as well as aligning with your architecture and application stategy.

Spur AI specializies in determining the cloud deployment model fit for your company and reducing time to market

Cloud Migration

Cloud migration isn't a choice anymore; it's just matter of time in today's digital world. Migrating to cloud from existing data infrastructure is a big dilemma for many. Lack of clear understanding leads to this situation. Optimize cloud migration with befitting cloud strategy and realigned business goals.

We at Spur AI help you acquire skills that are necessary to come out of dilemmas, build your own decision support system and move forward.

Use Cloud migration as the stepping stone or driver for digital transformation of your business.

Public, private or hybrid cloud migration; we are here with you in your journey.

Spur AI facilitates your business enhancement by implementing from wide range of cloud services - Infrastructure, Platform, Software, Desktop, Network, Storage, Testing or hybrid.

Cloud Automation

Cloud automation is the final leap in cloud solutions! Define, align, enhance, scale-up cloud management processes by cloud automation. Boost systems governance, backup-restore, security with cloud automation.

Spur AI assits managing cloud infrastructure with increased security, cloud bills and optimizing cloud performance. Gives better infrastructural visibility, control and access.

Streamline, improvise and simplify business processes and facilitate centralized goverance.

Overcome the challenges of efficient & accurate data extraction, managing systems workload and personalized customer service with our customized services.

Accelerate your business agility and scalability with cloud automation by fine tunning resourcing, faster deployment and easy cloud management.