Artificial Intelligence

AI Strategy

AI Strategy is more about efficiencies than mere automation. Very powerful tool to achieve vision when blended with business strategy. Encourages redefining goals using technological advantage. By combining user interaction, right data, inteligence & automation, AI strategy literally applies to new product development, services, business processes, repetitive business tasks and manufacturing processes.

Spur AI offers AI Strategy, AI Research & Development services and solutions for building highly interactive and efficient AI model. Our experts use the latest technologies to deliver the most robust solution for our clients.

We develop and integrate a wide range of customized business solutions for our clients. From design and development to support and implementation, Spur AI delivers the highest quality solution, on-time and within budget.

Our AI Strategy solution ranges from "Off the Shelf - Ready to Implement" to "Tailored to Implement" depending upon client's business needs.

Spur AI specializes in tactic centeric solutions that incorporates budget as it's integral part. The step progression incentives are inbuilt such that the ROI commences earlier rather than at the end of implementation.

AI in R&D

R & D has been generally restricted to scientists, laboratories and fields of operations. Not any more. Intelligent machines supplementing human effort is perhaps one of the biggest paradigm shifts of 21st century. With AI classified as GPT(General Purpose Technology), AI R&D is gaining popularity as means to innovation. Data is the new ingredient for R & D and differentiating factor for reshaping human behaviour.

Spur AI offers fuels (AI strategies) for your R & D processes using AI as innovation tool.

AI R & D florish in specific domains where it surpasses human-level performance with pre defined rules like mathematical computation, repetitive task, gaming and so on. At Spur AI, we specifically let you know what kind of AI will enhance the efficacies of your R & D strategies and how one can go about it.

Spur AI assists you for building 'intelligence' in computing systems with your raw data using various deep learning models. Unleash the power of accumulated data for pattern recognition and predictive analytics.

Machines Learning

Machines learn, understand, reason & interpret data to generate prediction models in Machine Learning! Machines aren't pre-programed but use algorithms to perform tasks involving human intelligence. Data driven models are trending as more & more companies are using data as foundation for their innovation and exponential growth. Machine Learning is the tool for data driven models.

Machine Learning is being widely applied to bring tansformation

Accelerate achievement of desired goals in areas namely predictive analysis, classification, association & extraction of data, image & speech recognition as well as processing, arbitrage, regression, medical diagnosis, Financial analysis with Machine Learning's fusion with other fields, in particular, Data Mining and Science, Mathematical Optimization, Computational Statistics and Probability.

Realize your business vision, inputs and intended outcomes with our knowledge of Machine Learning algorithms that spans across various categories as Supervised, unSupervised, semi-Supervise, reinforcement, self and feature Learning. Spur AI enables you with adequate infomation to nail down on best Machine Learning solution.

Deep Learning

Deep learning enables Machines to 'think' like humans! Intelligent machines are reshaping Digital Metamorphosis. Cognitive development is the core for deep learning models! Deep learning utilizes the power of human experiential learning.

Deep Learning is gaining momentum since past few years by empowering organizations with skills - language comprehension, translation & recommendation, image recognition, classification & transformation, visual arts processing, bio-informatics & image analysis, speech recognition and processing.

Deep Learning learns from data by utilizing algorithms based in artificial neural networks interconnected via abstraction. Several layers of artificial neural networks get connected based on the input data.

Spur AI assists you for building 'intelligence' in computing systems with your raw data using various deep learning models. Unleash the power of accumulated data for pattern recognition and predictive analytics.